International legal representative
Authorised legal representative of medical device is a legal person in most markets who in behalf of legal manufacturer to register medical device to authority. It is also called legal agent, responsible person, marketing authorised holder or sponsor.
We can be legal representative over the worldwide market of medical device.
We know
How to get medical device approved
How to transfer country specific regulations
How to avoid non-conformity by coordinating with your distributor
How to communicate fast and conform in case of vigilance
How to bring labelling in different language with info of legal representative
Technical documentation
Quality management
Post market surveillance
Supply chain
We have
Process of legal presentative service
Local experts speaking regulatory- and country language
Record approval quote of medical device
Besides it, we can offer
Inspecting your legal representative upon local requirements plus your in-house supplier management
Controlling your legal representative in our KPI-workshops or e-learning of regulatory affairs
Customer tailored template in terms of working with international partner (change notification and vigilance form)
Our professional workflow of International legal representative